Welcome! Cindy Mark Realty has over 10 years of experience turning our client's dreams into realty. We have knowledge, personal attention and care to give to every transaction. If your company cannot remember who you are, or even what you own, then what kind of service are you really getting? If you think the big companies that have been in business for many years is what you want, you should ask yourself, “Do the Brokers/Agents have that kind of experience, or is it just the company name?” When you’re done being treated like a number, being bounced around from one desk to another… Then call Cindy Mark Realty. It is the business you want, if you want personal care and attention given to all your real estate needs.

LIC# 0179459
I have called Twentynine Palms my home for as long as I can remember. Growing up next to places like Joshua Tree National Park, my fiance and two beautiful kids enjoy hiking, fishing and camping on the weekends. "Being a full service Realtor is just a start with Cindy Mark Realty, here you're family!"

Realtor®/ Owner/Broker
BRE# 01332204
Cindy Mark has resided in Twentynine Palms for over 30 years, has over twenty years of experience, knows the area, is well tuned to the market and is ready
to find you the home of your dreams. Whatever you are looking for, may it be a small cottage or a huge mansion, Cindy is here to help you find it!

Terri Kaiser
Coming soon!

LIC# 02107780
Coming Soon!